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Lieser Skaff is a Venue Sponsor for Gasparilla International Film Festival

The Tampa Film Institute, Inc., d/b/a, Gasparilla International Film Festival (“GIFF”) is a critical component of the arts community in the Tampa Bay Area, providing year-round community education, support, and inspiration, in the medium of film. The organization’s cornerstone event is the annual Gasparilla International Film Festival which will be held this year from March 24th through 29th, at multiple venues in Downtown Tampa and Channelside.

Theater Sponsor


Lieser Skaff, its partners and employees, are active in the Tampa Bay legal and business communities. At Lieser Skaff, we value our professional standing within the area, and as a corporate citizen, we feel it incumbent upon our firm to support the cultural, historic, educational and artistic endeavors of our community. To express our appreciation to the Tampa Bay area and to continue our mission of service and support to our community, Lieser Skaff is a proud financial contributor to the Gasparilla International Film Festival. The Lieser Skaff Theater at Channelside Bay Plaza will host several GIFF films, as well as the Award Ceremony. We are excited that Lieser Skaff has an official part in this extraordinary event.

One of our partners, Joe Alexander, serves on the Board of Directors of the Tampa Film Institute and GIFF, and works throughout the year to bring cultural events and educational opportunities to the residents of the Tampa Bay area, and beyond. In addition to his donation of time and effort, he also provides financial contribution as a Red Carpet Member of the film festival and will participate both as a volunteer and a guest as several of the week-long activities.

Please join us in what has become one of Tampa Bay’s leading cultural celebrations, the Gasparilla International Film Festival.

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