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Tampa Mediation

Do You Need Mediation to Help Resolve a Dispute in Tampa?

Mediation is an excellent way to resolve construction, contract, and other business disputes. Even if the conflict is so convoluted and contentious that arbitration or litigation appear inevitable, mediation can at least narrow the issues to be decided.

Mediators do not decide who is right and who is wrong. They facilitate a solution to the problem, which best fits the interest and needs of the parties.

Knows Construction, Contracts and Business Law

Mediator Jeff Lieser reviews the points of a mediation case at his Tampa office.In choosing a mediator, you should select someone who already has a good command of the facts and the law. Jeff Lieser is a certified Circuit Civil mediator with a positive track record in helping parties resolve conflicts.

Understands and Respects the Attorney’s Role

Jeff contacts counsel before the first mediation session to discuss the issues, the interests, and the relationships in the case. He also respects counsel’s strategic decision to not disclose certain information to the other side.

Works Efficiently

Jeff has a good sense of which issues and parties to focus on first. He gathers information before mediation and determines that all necessary parties will be present with adequate authority to settle. In short, Jeff has a “plan of attack” and nudges the attorneys along that plan.

With Jeff’s help, you can resolve your case faster and cheaper than you could through litigation.

Virtual Mediation

Lieser Skaff offers virtual mediation to mitigate the impact of Coronavirus.

Mediation Specialties

Blog Posts About Mediation

Hiring Unlicensed Contractors Could Lead to Trouble

Hiring an unlicensed contractor may seem cost-effective but poses legal, financial, and quality risks, exposing you to potential fines, liability for damages or injuries, and shoddy workmanship. Although Florida law limits the legal rights of an unlicensed contractor, it is also illegal to knowingly hire an unlicensed contractor.
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