COVID-19 Law
“Lieser Skaff has the agility and ability to handle all challenges posed by COVID-19.”
COVID-19 Law
It is impossible to predict how long the Coronavirus pandemic will last and what long-term impacts it will have on our society. However, the more we know, the better we can plan for the future. Lieser Skaff is committed to keeping our community informed about specific areas of concern created by this situation and provide legal insights as to their impact on families and businesses. We stand with our community and country during this unprecedented time and will continue to serve it by providing the information you need as we move forward together.
Read Our Blog Posts About COVID-19
Landlords and tenants should work together to reduce evictions in Tampa after moratorium lift
Business COVID-19 Waivers for Employees and Customers
The COVID-19 pandemic has taken all of us into uncharted waters. After an unprecedented near nationwide shutdown, many states are going through the process of reopening. For business owners, the ability to re-open is often crucial to the very survival of the business. At the same time, a business may have valid concerns about the…
Jeff Lieser Joins AM Tampa Bay to talk about Payroll Protection Program
On April 3, 2020, the Paycheck Protection Program was established with the intent to support small U.S. businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic. Program funding was depleted within a few days, in part, because some of the loans were distributed to companies that were not the intended recipients. The Paycheck Protection Program received an additional $484…
Employer responsibilities under the Florida Domestic Violence Leave Law
In what the United Nations has described as a “shadow pandemic,” the reported cases of domestic abuse have risen by at least 20% since COVID-19 started and is likely much higher because of unreported cases. As employers welcome staff back to the workplace, they should be aware of potential domestic violence issues and the Florida…
Employee mental health concerns for businesses reopening from COVID-19
As we all cope with the COVID-19 pandemic, feelings of anxiety, sadness, and fear are commonplace. Pandemic-related factors that may add to a workers' stress, are sundry, but may include fears regarding health or job security. A proactive response to employee mental health needs is not only prudent for continued business operations, but may also…
Hillsborough County courthouse now open with changes due to COVID-19
The Hillsborough County Courthouse has implemented changes to how it handles hearings as it opens from the COVID-19 shutdown. Your case may be rescheduled or heard remotely via Zoom or a similar video chat system. To find out whether your hearing will be continued or heard via video chat, visit the Thirteenth Judicial Court’s website.…
Legal Considerations for Businesses Reopening During COVID-19
LS Attorney Jeff Lieser Interviewed - Read Article "People are assuming risk by going out....but it doesn't mean businesses can ignore the process of providing a safe space" As the country begins the process of opening back up after weeks of mandatory business closures and stay at home orders, legal issues relating to Covid-19 are…
Freedom of Information Act Requests Can Expose a Business’s COVID-19 PPP Loan Activity
You've probably heard about the fallout from Ruth's Chris Steakhouse and Shake Shack after they accepted funding from the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), which is a government program that was intended to help small businesses pay their employees during the pandemic. Since these publicly traded companies received tens of millions of dollars, the public and…
What if Employees Are Scared to Return to Work During COVID Reopening?
Governor DeSantis’s Executive Order on Phase 1 to Reopen Florida
On April 29th, Governor DeSantis signed Executive Order 20-112, which puts “Phase 1” of his “Safe. Smart. Step-by-Step. Plan for Florida’s Recovery” into effect on May 4th. “Phase 1” reopens certain businesses that were previously deemed nonessential in all counties except Miami-Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach. Some highlights of the Executive Order include: The continuation…
Virtual Mediation During COVID-19
Florida and Essential Critical Infrastructure Workers
As we move through and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic, all of us have been challenged to absorb a range of new terminology and guidelines to help us better maneuver through the crisis. This has been the case in both our personal and professional lives. One of the first waves of information all of us have…
EEOC Clarifications and Guidance Regarding COVID-19 Medical Information and ADA Accommodation Requests
There have been numerous questions posed by employers in regard to confidentiality of medical information pertaining to the COVID-19 pandemic. The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has attempted to address some of the most common questions which employers feel need addressing. Here are some guidelines: What medical information may be retained in an employee’s…
Employers are rightfully concerned about having workers return to their place of business after they have been diagnosed with or exposed to COVID19. Fortunately, the CDC has provided guidance for employers who have workers classified as "critical infrastructure workers". Employers who fall into this category include, but are not limited to employers in sectors such…
COVID-19 and Contractual Commitments
The COVID-19 pandemic has devastated businesses across the country and many owners have been left to wonder if they are legally bound by contracts they signed prior to the outbreak. Unfortunately, there is not simple yes or no answer, but there are circumstances where the contract can be breached without penalties. Every contract is unique…
What Businesses Need to Know About Employee Leave and the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA)
In an effort to help families and individuals struggling with the impact of COVID-19, Congress passed the Families First Coronavirus Response Act ("FFCRA"), which went into effect on April 1, 2020, and will remain in effect until December 31, 2020. The FFCRA allows for paid sick leave through the Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act ("EPSLA")…
A Quick(ish) Breakdown of Florida’s Stay-At-Home Order For Businesses:
On April 1, 2020, Governor DeSantis issued Executive Order Number 20-91, which is a statewide stay-at-home order for Florida that took effect at midnight on April 3, 2020. This Order requires persons in Florida to stay at home, unless providing or obtaining “essential services” or conducting “essential activities.” The Executive Order also allows only “essential”…
COVID-19’s Impact on Evictions and Foreclosures
Notarized from the Comfort of Your Home: COVID-19 Does Not Stop Florida’s Online Notaries Public
With bank lobbies closed and large numbers of people working from home to slow the spread of COVID-19, many are without reliable notaries public or do not want to risk potential exposure to the virus through physical interactions. This has many scrambling to comply with critical deadlines or otherwise take care of business. However, fortunately,…
Businesses Beware: A Stack of Mail Can Be a Stack of Liability
What Landlords and Property Managers Should Be Doing During COVID-19
As the nation responds to the Coronavirus outbreak, we are all hopeful for the best outcome. During these trying times, however, consider the following: Communicate: In times of trouble, one of the most important factors is a constant and open line of communication. This is also true for landlords and property management teams. While practicing…