Tampa Foreclosures and Short Sales Attorneys
Our Tampa foreclosure attorneys have represented both lenders and borrowers in the foreclosure process. We understand all sides of foreclosures and can assist you with foreclosure alternatives, such as short sales or deeds in lieu. We are dedicated to resolving your pre-foreclosure and foreclosure needs and will work closely with you while doing so.
Foreclosures in Florida
A mortgage foreclosure is a legal process by which, amongst other things, the lender seeks to foreclose the borrower’s interest in the mortgaged property. The foreclosure process also allows the lender to acquire title to the collateral securing the mortgage loan – usually the mortgaged property.
In Florida, foreclosure is a judicial process tried before a judge, not a jury. If you have been served a foreclosure complaint, you have only 20 days to respond. That is why it is vital that you contact a Tampa foreclosure attorney at our firm immediately. Our Tampa Bay foreclosure defense lawyer can ensure that your rights and interests are protected regardless of what stage of the pre-foreclosure or foreclosure process you find yourself in.

Short Sales in Florida
A Short Sale is the process of selling a home for less than the loan amount. In order for this transaction to occur, a third party that is usually a bank has to approve it.
A Short Sale typically follows financial hardship. In this tough economic climate, Short Sales are extremely common. Divorce, unexpected medical expenses, loss of income and owing more on a home than it is worth may motivate a homeowner to Short Sale their home. Typically, Short Sales do not look as bad on a credit report as a foreclosure, nor do they stay on as long.
A Short Sale can be a lengthy process. It can also be time-consuming and complicated. That is why you need to call our Tampa short sale lawyer as soon as you begin considering short selling your Tampa Bay home.
Because a Short Sale needs to be approved by the mortgage holder, you may need to provide proof of hardship. Documents will need to be prepared to prove hardship due to divorce, loss of wages, loss of other income, medical expenses or other forms of hardship. The real estate attorneys at Lieser Skaff can guide you through this process.
Do you need legal assistance with a foreclosure or short sale in Tampa Bay? Contact a Foreclosure Lawyer at our firm today!