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Probate and Trust Litigation

Disputes between estate beneficiaries or between a trustee and trust beneficiaries often arise in the administration of a probate estate or trust.  Lieser Skaff’s experienced probate and trusts attorneys have extensive experience successfully settling disputes out of court, saving our clients time and the expense of contentious litigation and unwanted attention. When litigation proves necessary, however, we have successfully protected our clients’ interests in the courtroom.

In probate and trust litigation, Lieser Skaff represents:

  • Beneficiaries and fiduciaries
  • Corporate trustees
  • Executors
  • Trustees
  • Personal administrators

Our Tampa probate and trust litigation attorneys combine in-depth knowledge of probate and trust law with years of litigation experience. The types of claims we handle include:

  • Breach of fiduciary duty
  • Contested investments and accountings
  • Beneficiary disputes
  • Contested heirship
  • Omitted spouse or child
  • Creditor claims
  • Will and trust challenges
  • Incapacity, undue influence and elder abuse
  • Fraudulent transfers of real property
  • Conservatorships and guardianships

Probate and trust requires experienced counsel who understands and appreciates the complex legal and financial issues involved as well as the sensitive and often emotional nature of these cases. Karen Prevatt at Lieser Skaff has 42 years of trust of probate litigation experience.

Blog Posts About Probate and Trust Litigation

Five Reasons to Bring a Quiet Title Action

In a quiet title action, the Plaintiff asks the court to declare the sole legal title to a property. It is commonly used for tax deeds, adverse possession and prescriptive easements, as an alternative to probate, or alongside other real estate claims. Defendants can also counterclaim to establish their own title to the property.
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